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Token circulation supply at present and when will more tokens

be released is there dates?

3 ответов

9 просмотров

Hey, as of now, the circulating supply of Cartesi (CTSI) tokens is around 770 million from a total supply of 1 billion tokens. In terms of future token releases, the final allocation for the Cartesi Foundation reserve was unlocked on July 23, 2023. Further, now, only one unlock remains: the last tranche of Initial Team tokens is set to be released on April 23, 2024. This will be in the amount of 21,428,573 CTSI, completing the Initial Team's allocation. Regarding staking, around 307.89M CTSI tokens were staked. You can reach the instant info here: https://explorer.cartesi.io/ For the most current and detailed information, please refer to our official channels and transparency reports. You can find more on these topics in our Foundation Reserve Transparency Report - July 2023 and on platforms like CoinGecko.

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