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@Tokenexpertt why does it say Layer 1/Layer 2 on Binance.

Is it both layers?

2 ответов

6 просмотров

Yeah it's too normal too see in that way :) Let me explain; Cartesi is unique because it incorporates features of both Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions. While it isn't a standalone blockchain (like Ethereum or Bitcoin), Cartesi provides foundational infrastructure that supports more complex computational processes, which is a characteristic of Layer 1 solutions. At the same time, Cartesi acts as a Layer 2 solution by enhancing dApp performance through its Linux-based VM environment. This allows for intensive computations to be executed off-chain, improving scalability and efficiency. In summary, Cartesi blends the foundational aspects of Layer 1 with the scalability and efficiency enhancements of Layer 2. This combination offers a comprehensive environment for developing decentralized applications. Also Cartesi takes the rollup space a step further with app-specific rollups, or “appchains.” Each Cartesi DApp has its own dedicated rollup - ensuring scalability, customization, and predictable fees. https://cartesi.io/blog/understanding-cartesi-rollups

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