209 похожих чатов

Is there a list of current partnerships with other crypto

projects or businesses please?

1 ответов

9 просмотров

Good morning, @weepaddyirishman! As Cartesi is a decentralized project, the term 'partnerships' is a bit vague, as anyone can contribute and use open-source technology, ultimately becoming a 'partner' without anyone's approval. I’ll drop three tweets here for you to read about several integrations currently in the works with Espresso, Celestia, and Syscoin. https://x.com/espressosys/status/1744764977972429034 https://x.com/cartesiproject/status/1745175788826022289 https://x.com/syscoin/status/1742927649146868078 To explore what everyone is working on, please join our Discord. It’s the Development Community where all Cartesi contributors and grantees coordinate and build in public. In the 'core-units-updates' channel, you'll find the latest updates from all technical units. Do check them out! Hope this helps!

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