being pushed sometime in the coming years?
in coming decades, yes
I have a feeling about this too
I think it'll be related to global taxation agreements tbh, and that'll come on the other end of CBDCs. They'll push CBDCs to try and stop captial flight via BTC. When they try to lock down the wallets, then people will suddenly "discover" Monero.
global taxation is already in play, you are not seeing action 'yet' ; CBDCs real play comes after most cash is out of circulation which they are doing it slowly
Might be closer to your thesis than you think. Btc is basically becoming a cbdc by getting entrenched in wall street institutions that play fractional reserve and futures games. People are discovering privacy right now.
Yes, we're in it now. Just waiting for others to catch up. Which is painful.
Kind of, the ITIN and UTR goes part way there, but the systems are not as connected as most people think. Pedo politicians still need a place to rinse their money.
Everything is logged, only not shared yet; including all KYC exchange trades/transactions.
I've lived on three continents in the last 10 years. I can tell you, with certainty, it is not as tied down as they want you to think.
And you are a non-us citizen.
I have a citizenship in one of the 5 eyes. That's all I'll say.
The problem is with scaling, xmr cannot take mass adoption, the blockchain growth size uh
You don't need Visa/Mastercard like transactions; storage and bandwidth are available right now to scale much more than even Ethereum is handling right now.
eventually it will just be used for larger transactions and people will use something less private that scales better to buy small stuff like a cup of coffee or slice of pizza
Correct, but I don't see why one blockchain needs to be the answer. Why not use two or three? People are purist spiralling retards on this topic.
How does one send tx from one blockchain to another?
I empathize with the maxi take, I really do, but…
Yeah, it's like they want a Ferrari and a dump truck to do the same thing.
People seemed to agree with this comment. If anyone wants to read about how cryptocurrencies fuck governments in the ass (big time), look up a paper by Samuel Enajero (Feb 2021) in International Atlantic Economic Society, "Cryptocurrenxy, Money Demand and tye Mundell-Fleming Model of International Capital Mobility" It is nearly checkmate, but we need node operators. LOTS of node operators.
They will shutdown the everything / the internet before we can checkmate them lol, i think crypto is one of the tool to fuck govt, but thinking that only can checkmate them, naaah
No. Try taking away basketball, TV and the rest... see what happens.
Is that out yet?
Preorder right now
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