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So do u think oracle better than casino?

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Casino is more popular among users however in terms of technology no big deal unless you innovate something extra ordinary, which is limited in terms of technology perspective.. E.g you can innovate metaverse casino, sounds cool but usability of such innovation may not be as high as expected. Also not that easy implement it. Casino is service business not a technology business, you need have good customer service for Casino and it's easy to copy business model. in 1-2 years you'll have 10 competitors doing same business and you'll start loosing customers hard to stay on top always. Oracle is infrastructure project. it's essential part of blockchain technology. Oracle has unlimited possibility in terms of innovation and technology, cause blockchain by nature not capable of storing external data on blocks. Real world data required by dapps need to go through Oracle. Dapps pay service fee for data bandwidth they use. Oracle integrated to Blockchain like money printing machine similar to Blockchain itself. That's how ChainLink made 400x in 2-3 years.

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