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Me too. But why would you want zcash to emulate

bitcoin? We are iterating the earlier, lesser tech

5 ответов

21 просмотр

Bitcoin for me is like digital gold

ZecMec-21 Автор вопроса
Bitcoin for me is like digital gold

Gold markets are grossly manipulated by vested interests and the paper gold market. I think Bitxoin spot etfs may have paved the way for similar issues for BTC. the sov narrative has been great for pumping bags, but it is not what crypto is all about.

ZecMec 21
Gold markets are grossly manipulated by vested int...

Of course. Because eventually there will be no dollar value to those bitcoins

ZecMec-21 Автор вопроса
Of course. Because eventually there will be no dol...

Don't agree I think Bitcoin probably just bought the USD another 50years

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