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On each expanded chain, there will be additional 500 Prime

tokens or is the 500 grand total for all chains?

6 ответов

16 просмотров

500 prime for each chain

500 prime for each chain

We are yet to determine this, but the new blockchains will probably have a less initially and gradually adjust according to income. 😉

500 prime for each chain

Could you please share a source of this info? If that's true I'm buying 1000xvs straight away

Could you please share a source of this info? If t...

It is true that Prime program will be active separately on each chain. 😉

Could you please share a source of this info? If t...

It is. 😉 You can read more about Prime here: https://docs-v4.venus.io/whats-new/prime-yield

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