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Has Stephen Wolfram spent more than 5 hours thinking about

NKN over the last year, do you think?

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While I can't definitively say how much time Stephen Wolfram has spent thinking about NKN in the past year, there is evidence suggesting he has given it some thought, though I can't say for sure if it exceeds 5 hours. Here's what we know: Evidence of Interest: Technical Advisor: In December 2018, Stephen Wolfram joined NKN as a technical advisor. This role presumably involves some level of engagement with the project and its technology. Wolfram Physics Project: Dr. Wolfram mentioned NKN in the context of distributed computing and cellular automata for consensus algorithms within the Wolfram Physics Project. This suggests familiarity with NKN's technical aspects. Medium Article: An article on NKN's Medium page discusses Stephen Wolfram exploring how the NKN network could be simulated and visualized with Wolfram|One. This indicates some level of hands-on exploration and thought dedicated to NKN. Uncertainties: Depth of Involvement: It's unclear how actively involved Dr. Wolfram is as an advisor. His role could be more passive or require only occasional consultations. Time Commitment: We don't know how much time commitments typically involve for technical advisors. It could range from a few hours a month to more substantial engagement. Personal Interest: While his professional involvement suggests some level of interest, it's impossible to quantify his personal curiosity or dedication to the project. Conclusion: Based on the available information, it's safe to say that Stephen Wolfram has likely spent some time thinking about NKN in the past year, but definitively stating it exceeding 5 hours is impossible. His involvement seems more focused on the technical aspects and potential applications within his own projects rather than deep personal investment. I hope this helps!

Mitchel 🇺🇦
While I can't definitively say how much time Steph...

Who is Stephen Wolfram? He has a name of a superhero

I called him. He thought about it for 4 3/4 hours. So no.

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