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What is the monero emission effect?

13 ответов

24 просмотра

Stable 0.6 xmr per block forever

Stable 0.6 xmr per block forever

Will be fun to see 3erg per block


[Arkadias] i do wish erg had tail emissions but then you would get the usual crap *"uNlImItEd SuPPlY bAD"*

[liquid_phase] storage rent

[Arkadias] yes but it remains to be seen if it will provide sufficient incentive to secure the network, not trying to fud by any means although the same can be said for tail emissions to some extent

[Arkadias] yes but it remains to be seen if it wil...

[liquid_phase] its an interesting theory to look at something like 0.6 XMR forever vs. 97 million erg with 'variable emission' (storage rent) once all are mined

[liquid_phase] its an interesting theory to look a...

[Arkadias] yeah the big thing imo about monero and tail emission is that so many people go on about unlimited supply and while its technically true, the reality is inflation is always approaching 0

[Arkadias] yeah the big thing imo about monero and...

[liquid_phase] so is everything in the universe due to natural entropy

[liquid_phase] its an interesting theory to look a...

well everyone os trying to avoid it , smart contract, user ... so only it is up to dead wallet ? will there be any ? well there be million dead erg and token ? none ?

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