209 похожих чатов

Nearly have my initial investment back which is unbelievable. would

it be smart to take profits then? (i would think)

7 ответов

9 просмотров

Do you think that will be the end of the SAUCE increase for these CEX listings?

- Crypto Observer -
Do you think that will be the end of the SAUCE inc...

People have been taking profit from SAUCE since it went to 5 cents back in Dec. Did it crash SAUCE or did it stop SAUCE from going up??? NO. Sauce has done so well bringing more investors from outside of Hedera and it will continue doing so for as long as Hedera is successful. The more successful HBAR the more successful SAUCE. People taking profit all the time but of that asset is attracting more investors then price will keep going up so let whoever wants to take some money out do it.

Crypto-Collecter Автор вопроса
- Crypto Observer -
Do you think that will be the end of the SAUCE inc...

i don’t no. think we teach 50 cents minimum with the listings

Crypto Collecter
i don’t no. think we teach 50 cents minimum with t...

It's really about personal risk tolerance. I agree, it is tempting to take some profit... Im up 950%... but am happy to let it ride because I firmly believe there is a long long way to go yet. CEX listings are coming and that pumps prices... so my risk tolerance is high, so I let it ride. But you have to do what makes you comfortable and able to sleep at night 👍🏻

Crypto-Collecter Автор вопроса
- Crypto Observer -
It's really about personal risk tolerance. I agree...

i’m with you on that one, 950% is insane congrats on that!

Cryptonic Bull
People have been taking profit from SAUCE since it...

Very well said. Not sure why people think a L1 token and it's DEX token are in competition 😂 that's desperate

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