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Hey brains, will v2 still remain available once v3 ?

5 ответов

8 просмотров

Hey Perpooooo Yes, v2 will continue running and be available However once v3 is out you are recommended to start thinking about moving your positions over. Try v3 with test funds first, and once you feel comfortable, it would be a good idea to start moving funds over. That said as of right now, there is no plan to close v2.

Perpo- Автор вопроса
Lee.KB | perp.com | Never ask to DM
Hey Perpooooo Yes, v2 will continue running and b...

I might have forgot to do my homework but will v3 still be orderbook based ?

I might have forgot to do my homework but will v3 ...

v3 will feel like trading on v2 but with faster/better prices and hopefully a lot of newer markets eventually, e.g. newly launched tokens (although initially it will still rely on spot liquidity being available on Optimism). All that to say there won't be an orderbook to start with. But it is possible to add orderbook trading to Perp v3. What do you like about orderbook trading over something like Uniswap or Perp v2?

Perpo- Автор вопроса
Isnt v2 an orderbook based dex ? 🤔

No it's AMM with vTokens (all trades happen in Uniswap pools that use special tokens minted by the clearinghouse, so it's basically pure AMM)

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