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Is it possible to change my node setup on a

mac to Windows without losing seniority?

8 ответов

9 просмотров

Yes the seniority is based from utxo chain. So long as you don't move the "locked" 100k syscoin the seniority is valid

I guess you don't mean your QT Wallet. Just install QT on windows, and recover your wallet.dat file from your macOS QT

As Kept says, the seniority is not associated with the physical Sentry Node, but with the UTXO transaction of the collateral. Therefore, it is that transaction that should not move. Make sure you have the UTXO is locked from the collateral in your QT to avoid accidental expenses.

Clockwork- Автор вопроса
Ahh I see I was way overthinking this

Yeh bud just make sure its locked in coin control. 😁

Clockwork- Автор вопроса
Yeh bud just make sure its locked in coin control....

This is sarcasm right? Or is there actually a coin control?? Lol

This is sarcasm right? Or is there actually a coin...

No no it's for real my guy in the QT wallet you have to enable coin control in the options. From that coin control tab you will be able to lock the sentry node collateral tx

This is sarcasm right? Or is there actually a coin...

The control of coins in QT wallet is to activate advanced options for the user.

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