209 похожих чатов

What was the main focus of Alchemy Pay's offline events

in 2023?

a) Launching new products
b) Establishing partnerships
c) Engaging with the community
d) All of the above

How many community members does Alchemy Pay have by the end of 2023?

a) 500,000
b) 600,000
c) 670,000
d) 700,000

Event details: https://t.me/alchemy_official/1021776

16 ответов

29 просмотров

1.d 2.c

1.D 2.C

1.D 2.C

1=d 2=c

1.D 2.C

1.D 2.C

1.D 2.C

1:D 2:C

1.D 2.C

1. B 2. C

1B 2C


1. D 2. C

1.D 2.C

1.D 2.C

1.d 2.c

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