209 похожих чатов

Any news on redoing the proposal for fpis so it's

not so hideous and an overhang to fxs price?

4 ответов

5 просмотров

There will be revised proposal. Stay tuned!

Dantes Stan (¤, ¤) | DON'T DM FOR ETH|$$
There will be revised proposal. Stay tuned!

Can you explain please what is the difference? When the CR will be 100% it will be the same veFXS holders will get protocol revenue. So what is the difference of it now? The will get now revenue? What about CR? It will not be 100% then

Can you explain please what is the difference? Whe...

Your question isn't so clear but if I get you correctly, you are asking about veFXS yield at the moment and after the CR reaches 100%. The yield for the veFXS stakers is currently low because of the proposal to use most of the revenue to raise the CR to+100%. So currently, most of the Frax protocol revenue is moving into raising the CR to 100% but the yield will increase when 100% CR is achieved 🙂 For reference https://gov.frax.finance/t/fip-188-increase-cr-to-100/2147

Dantes Stan (¤, ¤) | DON'T DM FOR ETH|$$
Your question isn't so clear but if I get you corr...

So what coindesk and sam article about proposal say? What they will do? Giving revenue to holders and use small % of revenue to make cr100%?

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