209 похожих чатов

Something strange happened in hedera network, during 3 hours the

tps drop to 1 tps and the created accounts raised during this hours to 2k created accounts, i guess some kind of flood atack?

7 ответов

12 просмотров

Why should that be considered of beeing an attack?

Gomadosnitro- Автор вопроса
₿anana₿ob / Chris
Why should that be considered of beeing an attack?

look metrics, maybe some kind of priority in creating accounts.

look metrics, maybe some kind of priority in creat...

We have seen many occasions where tps has maintained a higher rate and many more accounts were opened at the same time. Atma shuts down occasionally for whatever reason. There was no attack.

Gomadosnitro- Автор вопроса
We have seen many occasions where tps has maintain...

yes i saw before atma stoping tps but usually drops to 50-150 tps not to 1 tps that why it seems strange to me.

yes i saw before atma stoping tps but usually drop...

When it’s 50-150 that’s still atma just running super low. When it drops to single digits that atma pausing completely.

look metrics, maybe some kind of priority in creat...

There is no priority on certain services, Hedera has fair ordering and timestamping of transactions, there is no frontrunning or something like that. It’s not possible, if you we’re thinking about that

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