When you purchase a SOL domain using Injective via Phantom wallet do you get a SOL address assoicated with the INJ addressed use for the SOL domain ownership? If so, how do you find the assoicated SOL address used when purchasing via Injective?
Hey Scott, You cannot register a .sol domain on injective using the Phantom wallet. To register a .sol domain on Injective, you need a kepler or leap wallet and you need to register it here: since it creates too large tx that cannot be processed correctly unfortunately If you want to regsiter a .sol domain on Solana using your phantom wallet, you need to register on After your registration on, you can bridge your domain to injective. However, you will still need to manage it on (solana). By bridging, you'll be able to receive funds on your injective address that you will set up for the bridge.
You cannot register a .sol domain on injective using the Phantom wallet. To register a .sol domain on Injective, you need a Kepler or Leap wallet and you need to register it here: If you want to regsiter a .sol domain on Solana using your Phantom wallet, you need to register on After your registration on, you can bridge your domain to Injective. However, you will still need to manage it on (Solana). By bridging, you'll be able to receive funds on your Injective address that you will set up for the bridge.
Hey thank you for the fast answer. A few more questions please: 1). Sorry I did use Keplr via INJ chain. 2) Keplr does not appear to have a SOL address 3). When I go to and type in the Domain it give me the assoicated SOL acct, which is different from the INJ addressed I used to register it. 4). I have no idea how to access the SOL address, so it appears if I attempt to transfer the domain, I have no idea hwo to access the SOL address to affect the change. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
You don't generate a SOL address when you register a domain on Injective.
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