209 похожих чатов

Question for the group…. Staking rewards and taxes… when you

receive them apparently they are taxed as income at their current price. But it seems to be a gray area if you leave them staked, I might argue you don’t have control of them yet. Are you guys waiting until you unstake to claim them at a zero basis or claiming them each year as they come in? Thoughts?

4 ответов

8 просмотров

I don’t pay taxes so idk

I choose not to stake because I am waiting for concrete guidance on this. With my job and where I work, I can’t afford to fuck up with things like this.

I posted this on Twitter earlier to answer another stakers question: Consultant a tax professional for advise, but I was told that you only claim realized gains and losses. Staking rewards are considered unrealized gains until they are sold. Again Consult a tax professional in your jurisdiction, but that's the way it was explained to me.

Jason Weyl
I posted this on Twitter earlier to answer another...

Tax forms for crypto staking in the US You need to report your crypto staking rewards in your US Individual Income tax return (Form 1040) on Schedule B (for interest) or Schedule 1. If you later sell your staking rewards for a gain/loss, you’d need to report that crypto gain/loss on Form 8949 and Schedule D of Form 1040. https://cointracking.info/crypto-taxes-us/staking-taxes/#:~:text=You%20need%20to%20report%20your%20crypto%20staking%20rewards%20in%20your,Schedule%20D%20of%20Form%201040.

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