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Does anyone know why / when ONT was delisted off

OKeX, I've noticed that they have brought in a lot of new regulations, but the delisting was unexpected, never even saw it coming (is this something all exchanges will do soon to meet regulations?)

8 ответов

7 просмотров

Im not aware of this, it seems like okex know something off bout ont 😶

L-M Автор вопроса
Fl Wicked
Im not aware of this, it seems like okex know some...

sneeky dirty low down exchange has the assets as untradable and you need to withdraw but they only let you withdraw on a non used chain 😵 aka NEO with no native Ontology chain been offered, wish id never KYC 😵‍💫 they can get lost!

sneeky dirty low down exchange has the assets as u...

If they delist ont then the chain service will be stop too, maybe try to create neo wallet so that ur ont can be transfered

Hey, when did you see that ONT was delisted from OKEx? its still available, or are you guys trying to spread misinformation?

L-M Автор вопроса
🅢ⓐ🅢ⓔⓝ 🅓ⓘ ⓢⓗ
Hey, when did you see that ONT was delisted from O...

when I logged in and tried to trade it and it does not exist

when I logged in and tried to trade it and it does...

Trying to get some clarification on this. Hopefully will know more tomorrow.

when I logged in and tried to trade it and it does...

Got someone to check their side and they had no problem with trade or withdrawal. Seems odd. Could they have added a strange new location restriction?

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