209 похожих чатов

Why did they choose to create a new one! Instead

of using the current ($dent) one as a utility?

And when is the release for this dentx?

3 ответов

21 просмотр

Have you actually read the information on the website? Dent is still being used the same way It always has been. The introduction of a new token is to alleviate gas fees for end users dentnet.io

M-E Автор вопроса
Barry Badrinath (Beware of Fake Giveaways)
Have you actually read the information on the webs...

Yes actually I did, Why the team didn't obtain eth princible in backing the investors by burning the Dent token for minimizing the circuliation Yes I know introducing the new one for gifting the stakers will works well. But imagine that the whole project only has one thing to focus on it would be better for all parties

Yes actually I did, Why the team didn't obtain et...

Why would we burn a token that is used for an actual purpose? That’s what cartoon coins do?

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