209 похожих чатов

I just read the new whitepaper about Metal L2 Tokenomics

and I am not clear on the supply increase of MTL DAO. I understand the part about 6 M (in 3 x 2 M tranches) + 6 M for the sequencer, but then it says another 6 M per year for maintenance indefinitely and then it gives numbers for inflation per year. These numbers come out to 6 M each year (I did the math). So I am assuming these inflation numbers represent the 6 M per year being paid out for maintenance after the initial 12 M grant and do not represent some other inflation not mentioned (ie for some kind of MTL DAO staking rewrds, for example). Is this correct?

2 ответов

8 просмотров

- A 1 time incentive grant - A 1 time sequencer grant - And an annual grant for maintance and development, which would be decreasing annually % wise.

Decoder1- Автор вопроса
Marlon | Metalstaking.com
- A 1 time incentive grant - A 1 time sequencer gr...

Thanks. That's what I thought because the inflation % worked out that way. Just wanted to double check.

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