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What DApps are currently available on Fraxtal?

9 ответов

14 просмотров

u can swap frxeth for meme tokens

You can see here https://www.frax.com/ecosystem

Salvatore-Graci Автор вопроса
Salvatore-Graci Автор вопроса
Dantes Stan (¤, ¤) | DON'T DM FOR ETH|$$

Curve It doesn't turn out Fraxtal though

Dantes Stan (¤, ¤) | DON'T DM FOR ETH|$$

I thought fraxtal is not live? Can I bridge fxs to fraxtal now to lock vefxs?

I thought fraxtal is not live? Can I bridge fxs to...

You can bridge to Fraxtal but can't stake FXS for veFXS on Fraxtal at the moment but soon 🙂

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