209 похожих чатов

If liquidity is too low does that mean there’s not

enough money in the system to buy or sell?
On ETH, i’ve got a CEX set up & can bridge to Pulse or use on ETH. On Pulse i was set up with Wise & 0xcoast, but 0xcoast have an issue their working through, which means no off or onramps at the mo, but think they’ll have this sorted soonish

4 ответов

27 просмотров

"Transaction to the bridge is found but oracles’ confirmations are not collected yet. Wait for a minute and try again." Steps to resolve this error here: https://t.me/hexsettings/43

Don't have to worry about that till you sell

H-N Автор вопроса
Ah.ok. What level is considered low liquidity?

Depends on how much you trying to sell at the time

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