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Big interview Max is doing with #HBARSuite. https://twitter.com/FreddyRodBX/status/1765885312088088688?t=efnxw7gj9GWmTgy2LWiYDA&s=19

3 ответов

10 просмотров

Are you OK in the head? Why using a tweet that has nothing to do with Hsuite to shill Hsuite???

Freddy-Rodriguez Автор вопроса
Cryptonic Bull
Are you OK in the head? Why using a tweet that has...

And why the question if I am OK in the head? Is that how you I u approach someone you do not know? Quite disrespectful.

Freddy Rodriguez
And why the question if I am OK in the head? Is th...

I'm sorry but that's how it came across, your tweet is very childish for a grown up man

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