209 похожих чатов

Admin I can’t unlock Celo from Celo wallet, couldn’t find

the validators I chose to vote for, what can I do?

9 ответов

8 просмотров

Double-check that your votes are still active. It's possible that the validators you chose are no longer active or eligible.

J-Z Автор вопроса
Lit Palm
Double-check that your votes are still active. It'...

That’s the problem, how can I unvote if they are no longer active?


That’s the problem, how can I unvote if they are n...

Send me a DM as I check into it and remember I won’t DM You First

That’s the problem, how can I unvote if they are n...

If the validators you voted for are no longer active, you'll need to revoke your votes before you can unlock and withdraw your Celo.

J-Z Автор вопроса
Lit Palm
If the validators you voted for are no longer acti...

That’s what I want to do, but their names wouldn’t appear in the list, so I couldn’t revoke my votes, do u know how?

That’s the problem, how can I unvote if they are n...

Use the celo explorer (see Celo website for more informations) this worked for me and be careful of scammer who try to warp you into phishing sites.

Pls import yout into celoterminal.com

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