209 похожих чатов

Hi and Thank you to boba team Im 3 years holder

of boba
And i really trust the future of boba L2 network system

I need your help
I staked My 13534 boba in woolong swap.
After withdrawing, i sent to bitthumb boba wallet from my meta mask wallet.

this is my problem,
The bithumb is not support Boba network, and can not help this situation. I really want to get back my 13534 lovely boba.

Can you help me?

And May i know when boba network is going to supported in bithumb?

TXID : 0x440e4ae2e1b8c81835d6e449b295347e15d7a3465c8c076f074d2471bda0feb0

My meta mask wallet :

Thank you and i will wait your answer

1 ответов

9 просмотров

U can not send directly to bithumb wallet directly from boba network. I'd say your funds are stuck unless bithumb unlock them for you, which is possible, but sometimes they just offer it

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