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Could any member tell me how to get my Sys

out of MetaMask?

4 ответов

5 просмотров

If you give us more details...Your SYS are not in Metamask, but in a blockchain (MM is only an app that allows you to access them.). What chain do you have them on? NEVM, Rollux? Where do you want to take them?

Alfredo- Автор вопроса
function(0x){Marki} | Syscoin | Rollux 🇪🇸🇮🇨
If you give us more details...Your SYS are not in ...

thanks for replying... I want to take you from Metamask to paliwallet, they are currently on NVEM

thanks for replying... I want to take you from Met...

If you don't want to, you don't need to send anything. Simply recover your same Metamask account in Pali Wallet with your seeds.

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