209 похожих чатов

Also how hard is it to migrate fraxlend pairs to

fraxtal? I assume the oracles will be the hardest part?

5 ответов

8 просмотров

There's already redstone oracles and other oracles also coming so it shouldn't be long before big pairs can be brought to Fraxtal. We'll need to also wait an epoch or two for Curve, Ra, Balancer and other sources of deep liquidity for liquidations but it's all coming together. Imagine near 0 fees to take out loans and while earning FXTL points to do so.

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
There's already redstone oracles and other oracles...

Not to mention in addition to this, new sFRAX and sfrxETH APRs as on top of everything else above. 🙌️️️️️️

What’re the fraxtal points for

We won't hurt you, I promise. Wait for the singularity roadmap gov proposal that unifies everything.

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