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But how does a tx even get into a block

without the tx fees? and where does the money come from when theres no input?

4 ответов

15 просмотров

This is how Monero works

Dariush-Komeili Автор вопроса
This is how Monero works

no, it‘s not. you get both the mining reward AND tx fees from individual transactions. if someone doesn‘t pay any fees, the tx should normally stay in the mempool. also, I‘ve never seen a tx without an input

Dariush Komeili
no, it‘s not. you get both the mining reward AND t...

Hey, my English is not good and I don’t know how to say many words. But this transaction is no problem. Can any native English speaker answer this question?

Dariush Komeili
no, it‘s not. you get both the mining reward AND t...

why do you think that? and why does a reward transaction need an input?

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