210 похожих чатов

Is there a working iost node with rewards? Seems all

I tried are dead or don't reward if I delegate to them.

I found a few websites with lists not all these seem to be obsoleted

5 ответов

7 просмотров

Metanyx is also rewarding what I know.

🅰️🅽🅳🆁🅴🅰️🆂- Автор вопроса
Metanyx is also rewarding what I know.

Thanks. I will check it. But maybe my problem is related to TokenPocket. Today I tried to claim my voting rewards with TokenPocket and nothing happened. Not even a error message. I think I must try the iWallet chrome extension

🅰️🅽🅳🆁🅴🅰️🆂- Автор вопроса
Thanks. I will check it. But maybe my problem is ...

Yeah, seems TokenPocket is broken. With iWallet I was able to claim my voting divs

Do u mean mining pool?

🅰️🅽🅳🆁🅴🅰️🆂- Автор вопроса
Bella | Never DM
Do u mean mining pool?

I mean rewards for voting. But as said. TokenPocket seems to be the problem. I use iWallet on PC now

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