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I have a question: Can I migrate my staked steth

on lido from L1 to L2 to enjoy a reduced transaction fee? If yes, how do I do that?

11 ответов

7 просмотров

Wrap it to wstETH then bridge it using the official bridges (like Arbitrum, Optimism bridges) - but the bridging transaction itself is on ETH

Rid-Wayne Автор вопроса
Rid-Wayne Автор вопроса
cryptodenier (will NOT dm first)
Nope, you’ll earn the same rewards.

After wrapping my steth. Will I have to visit the arbitrum page to migrate to L2

Rid-Wayne Автор вопроса

Yes, you can migrate your staked stETH from Layer 1 (L1) to Layer 2 (L2) on the Lido platform to benefit from lower transaction fees. To do this, you typically need to follow these steps: Check if the Lido protocol supports stETH migration from L1 to L2. Visit the Lido website or documentation to confirm this. If supported, initiate the migration process on the Lido platform. This process usually involves interacting with a smart contract or a specific migration tool provided by Lido. Follow the on-screen instructions to connect your wallet (such as MetaMask) and authorize the transaction. Confirm the migration transaction and wait for it to be processed on the Ethereum network. Once the migration is complete, your staked stETH should now be on Layer 2, allowing you to enjoy reduced transaction fees.

see our L2 supports here: https://help.lido.fi/en/collections/3641672-lido-on-layer-2-l2

Rid-Wayne Автор вопроса
Rid-Wayne Автор вопроса
Rid Wayne

You are welcome

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