209 похожих чатов

Hello,I'M new to Monero, are there any DEXs who support usdt/xmr


7 ответов

16 просмотров

On the Monero website, it lists a few places where you can get Monero. I would also recommend using p2p platforms when possible

Dhia- Автор вопроса
On the Monero website, it lists a few places where...

for p2p i tried localmonero, it seems good too

for p2p i tried localmonero, it seems good too

Yes, local Monero is a good place, I highly recommend it

And localdero is working too ?

I do not know what localdero is, therefore I can not verify that it is trust worthy

I do not know what localdero is, therefore I can n...

I have trade with multiple person on LM. They are all pretty helpful and keen do deal with.

Berll Water
I have trade with multiple person on LM. They are ...

NO I am talking about localdero, Mugi might have mistyped localmonero so idk

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