209 похожих чатов

Can I get based devs to help confirm Fraxtal Incentives


The example in the docs is with Solidity, so we converted to Vyper and want to verify it is set up properly...


4 ответов

10 просмотров

@naderghazvini @FortisFortuna_89

Gerrit-Hall Автор вопроса

Following up on this... don't mean to pester the busy devs with something inconsequential, but perhaps could be referred to somebody on the team who may have a free minute? Was recommended by @ssmccul to message @samkazemian @FortisFortuna_89 @naderghazvini , DMs incoming

Gerrit Hall
Following up on this... don't mean to pester the b...

Hey, could you redeploy to testnet using the DelegationRegistry @ 0x7267152C923789712f4518bC2A84b902D6a65A2C. This one is verified, so it is easier to check if everything went smoothly as you can just read the contract in the Explorer: https://holesky.fraxscan.com/address/0x7267152c923789712f4518bc2a84b902d6a65a2c#readContract#F3

Gerrit-Hall Автор вопроса

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