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Can I swap STETH for other Erc-20 tokens on 1

inch ? And is it instant ?

5 ответов

5 просмотров

Yup, the time it takes depends on the transaction priority. Higher gas fee paid = quicker

Jack-H Автор вопроса
cryptodenier (will NOT dm first)
Yup, the time it takes depends on the transaction ...

Ok. Also it says to sign for Unlimited amount ! Is that safe to do this ?

Jack H
Ok. Also it says to sign for Unlimited amount ! Is...

It just means you allow them to swap an unlimited amount of the token you wish to approve. You’ll have to decide if you trust 1inch with the condition

Jack-H Автор вопроса
cryptodenier (will NOT dm first)
It just means you allow them to swap an unlimited ...

Ya scary to give them that kind of access. Maybe worth transferring some steth to a different wallet and swap it that way instead ?

Jack H
Ya scary to give them that kind of access. Maybe w...

It is an easier option actually but you have to keep in mind that you approved an unlimited amount from this address in case of mis-use later. so I think revoking permission is a better option and to have a higher security experience, you can put your assets into multiple wallets.

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