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Can anyone elaborate on liquidity issues? What is the relationship

between the team, kucoin and liquidity?

5 ответов

14 просмотров

None, the team have no control over liquidity on exchanges. Some exchanges set minimum liquidity a coin must meet constantly, or they delist, that's what they are likely referring to.

Mike-Frederick Автор вопроса
None, the team have no control over liquidity on e...

Is there anything you can tell us in regards to the kucoin wallet not being bridged yet? I would imagine those wallets would be bridged first so I'm confused.

Mike Frederick
Is there anything you can tell us in regards to th...

You are confusing Kucoin's cold storage wallet with wallets run on my.electroneum. Kucoin don't use the teams infrastructure, they would run and bridge their own Mike.

Mike-Frederick Автор вопроса
You are confusing Kucoin's cold storage wallet wit...

It just seems like the coins haven't been sent via the smart chain from their verbage. I mean she seemed very professional in the email. I know we all want to back the team but since they have been very forthright I'd imagine something was missed on our end.

Mike Frederick
It just seems like the coins haven't been sent via...

I doubt it Mike. As you can see from the other exchanges which have or are in the middle of, migrating over, all seems fine. No issues. Far more inclined to assume the issues Kucoin have had are less forthright than it seems from a carefully crafted support email. Anyway, whatever it was, its great Kucoin have finally let people know they will migrate and give people their ETN back. That's the important thing. With that 28th deadline looming, it must have been very stressful for people.

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