209 похожих чатов

Hello, just a quick question here. I have some PHA

(ERC-20) tokens. Am I safe having these as ERC-20 tokens for now? or should I bridge to Khala Network?

3 ответов

9 просмотров

Safe. But for staking required pha on native networks

You can use any method to store your assets, including PHA tokens, but if we're talking about the best method specifically for the PHA token, storing it on native networks such as Phala or Khala would be much preferable 🤝

Claes- Автор вопроса
Dima Ivakhnenko
You can use any method to store your assets, inclu...

Yeah, Ok - I have a Trezor which does not seem to work nice with Polkadot / Phala. And I would like to keep things somewhat simple.

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