209 похожих чатов

Hello. I have a problem with swap on the

scroll network. How can I fix this?

8 ответов

10 просмотров

Hi. Please confirm that you have sufficient eth in your wallet

Дядя-Лёша Автор вопроса
Дядя Лёша
I need to do a swap from usdt to eth

If you don’t have sufficient eth for the transaction, you can consider bridging in

Дядя-Лёша Автор вопроса
Дядя Лёша
I have enough eth to pay for gas

Please visit chainlist.org, search for Scroll, and connect your wallet to a new rpc, and try again

Дядя-Лёша Автор вопроса
Please visit chainlist.org, search for Scroll, an...

I've already done this several times, it didn't help

Дядя-Лёша Автор вопроса

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