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You don't need CHR to start playing. You can play for free while there's still a Free Land trial. Later, if you wish to craft NFTs in-game using $ALICE, you'll have to deposit $ALICE tokens on the BNB network and bridge them to the Chromia Appnet.

KhoiNguyen-NguyenDo Автор вопроса
KhoiNguyen NguyenDo
Tks for your suport

You're welcome Neighbor 😊

KhoiNguyen-NguyenDo Автор вопроса
You're welcome Neighbor 😊

Hi sir can we play game with window mode ? Pls

KhoiNguyen NguyenDo
Hi sir can we play game with window mode ? Pls

You may press Alt + Enter, but minimizing it is not available at the moment.

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