209 похожих чатов

I'M a fullstack and Blockchain developer. Is there a position

for me?

7 ответов

9 просмотров

do you have project you want to build or get plugged into a project?

I have a position for you, I would like to see a Tontine realized utilizing Ergo contracts and introducing DAO supported DIDs, the position is mostly going to be a charitable contribution unless DAO supports compensation after the development is done. Are you in? ;)

Just googled Tontine. I love it haha

Its a style of insurance that encourages people to live healthy, I know of a vid that has a really good explanation of how it works, I will go find it.

Chris Ray (Won't DM First)
Its a style of insurance that encourages people to...

It’s crazy when you receive word that a fellow investor has passed away & you’re like . . .

Bye H8er
It’s crazy when you receive word that a fellow inv...

Well, you won't cry at the funeral so there is that.

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