210 похожих чатов

Stupid old guy question...with Sonic, is there a new ftm

that we are going to have to migrate too or anything? Just checking

12 ответов

16 просмотров

No need to migrate ftm


Old guys welcome. Bring your friends in here too

more details will be coming

Mcjig'sNode (pugswap.io)
more details will be coming

You're just copy pasting now right ?

Mcjig'sNode (pugswap.io)
of course

Why limit me in fantom group?

Why limit me in fantom group?

because i am not going to argue with you for 1 hour

Mcjig'sNode (pugswap.io)
because i am not going to argue with you for 1 hou...

By doing this, price growth in bulrun is only prevented

By doing this, price growth in bulrun is only prev...

ok, you know i can time you out in this channel also

Mcjig'sNode (pugswap.io)
more details will be coming

What has been changed or added to go from the narritive spring to late summer.. 🤷‍♂ didnt got that.

Duffy 🖖
What has been changed or added to go from the narr...

the change is not a network upgrade but a entirely new chain. which requires a lot more logistics

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