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Who added the Dev update at Spotify? Thank you!

7 ответов

8 просмотров

That you @rustinmyeye ?

That you @rustinmyeye ?

If Pavel means this one then yeah. Listen to the most recent episode of the Ergo Podcast: Dev Update March 24 2024 | Sigmanauts, Paideia, THz.FM, Atomic Swap, Kushti and more! https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ergopodcast/episodes/Dev-Update-March-24-2024--Sigmanauts--Paideia--THz-FM--Atomic-Swap--Kushti-and-more-e2hi9nv

/t 100 love

@dadreboi sent a tip of 100.0 love to @rustinmyeye!

Pavel- Автор вопроса
/t 1 erg

@ibetuwill sent a tip of 1.0 erg to @rustinmyeye!

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