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Https://X.Com/Peazyondrug/Status/1772636575794356578?S=46&T=DBn4XNK_CYwIpyzOignGIg thought ?

6 ответов

9 просмотров

FYI: that is me responding

1. 4 year lock of FPIS to veFPIS/FXS gives max 1.3veFxXS per FPIS voting power and voting power gradually decreases over 4 years. 2. End of 4 years, you will receive 1 FxS per 2.5 FPIS 3. Can you relock/extend your veFPiS/FXS? I have not seen documentation saying that you can or cannot, but, if you can, I assume that max voting rights wil always be 1.3veFXS for a max 4 year lock of FPIS.

Peazy-C Автор вопроса
Bueno Pues
1. 4 year lock of FPIS to veFPIS/FXS gives max 1.3...

I remember travis speaking about unlock veFPIS and new contract gonna need to lock ur 2.5FPIS/FXS

Peazy C
I remember travis speaking about unlock veFPIS and...

Right. #1 from above is assuming the unlock of existing veFPIS and relocking it in a new contract which I am calling veFPISFXS

Peazy-C Автор вопроса
Bueno Pues
Right. #1 from above is assuming the unlock of exi...

So you can just buy FPIS and lock them in the contract when its deployed im right ?

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