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Anyone familiar with Concero? CCIP based dapp https://x.com/concero_io?s=21 They claim to

speed up CCIP txs to sub 1 minute

4 ответов

8 просмотров
Genghis-Jhan Автор вопроса

they do this by essentially bypassing CCIPs finality requirements and outright assuming the transaction will finalize as expected: When migrating assets from chain A to chain B, we send the transaction and a message through CCIP, initiating a 24-minute process. To expedite this, we leverage CL Automations to detect transactions entering CCIP and trigger CL Functions to fetch transaction details and relay them to our Diamond contract on the destination chain. Upon receiving instructions, the Diamond contract interacts with our decentralised liquidity pool to obtain an ‘extended flash loan’ matching the amount being migrated through CCIP. This loan is used to finalise the transaction and send the desired assets to the user’s wallet.

Genghis-Jhan Автор вопроса
Genghis Jhan
this seems retarded right¿

I feel like it will break at some point. I cannot tell you why. But I feel like it gets hacked.

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