209 похожих чатов

Is lido going to make a partnership with bnbcahin for

liquid staking ? I have seen a tweet about that on bnbchain account:

The future looks bright for BNB Chain, enjoying massive growth in the liquid staking space with Lido and EtherFi set to deploy soon.

So do Lido admins have any additional info about that?

5 ответов

26 просмотров

Could you link the tweet?

Still-Stagnant Автор вопроса
cryptodenier (will NOT dm first)
Could you link the tweet?


Still Stagnant

Yes this is real. We’ll make an announcement with more information in the future

Still-Stagnant Автор вопроса
cryptodenier (will NOT dm first)
Yes this is real. We’ll make an announcement with ...

That would be interesting. Just to get a general idea, will it work similar to current ETH staking process? I mean, for example we stake 1 bnb, and we receive something like 1 stBNB in exchange ?

Still Stagnant
That would be interesting. Just to get a general i...

I don’t have information on it, it might just be wstETH deployment similar to deployment on Arbitrum/Optimism, etc.

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