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Hey guys I'm new to Kadena I'm looking to get more

ingratiated within the ecosystem

Do you guys host regular spaces? And who should I be following?

9 ответов

11 просмотров

Welcome Echelon 👋

We have our regular Beyond the Block episodes that you can check out :)

Follow me 😉🤣

Echelon | Alter Ego 🎭- Автор вопроса

@ron_kda usually does spaces on TW on Thursday

Echelon | Alter Ego 🎭- Автор вопроса

Welcome #kdathursday on x fallow me @KDAVRArmy and fallow alot of the posts we retweet

Echelon | Alter Ego 🎭- Автор вопроса
mark rakozy
Welcome #kdathursday on x fallow me @KDAVRArmy and...

I followed! And, I will definitely keep my eyes peeled

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