209 похожих чатов

Hello can smbd help me with stucked transaction?

7 ответов

6 просмотров

Please send me a DM

Hi. Kindly follow the steps below to cancel the pending transaction. - Copy your wallet address - Check the nonce of the pending transaction - Send 0 Eth(depending on the chain you’re on, you’d have to send the native token of the chain) to your wallet address you copied earlier, while using the same nonce of the pending transaction. - After you’ve sent it and it’s successful, it should have cancelled the pending transaction. Follow the steps and keep me posted. Also ask questions anywhere you need clarification on.

Ruth💪🏼- Автор вопроса
It doesn't help. Sent eth in scroll mainnet

Is the transaction visible on the explorer?

Ruth💪🏼- Автор вопроса
In scroll?

Please send me the hash via dm

Ruth💪🏼- Автор вопроса

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