209 похожих чатов

Hi, I would like to convert my guarded steths to

the Ledger. What is more convenient and cheaper to do it quickly? An aggregator suggested by Lido or switching from a compatible cex?

5 ответов

7 просмотров


🄽🄸🄲🄾🄻🄿🄻🅄🅂- Автор вопроса

Yes, that’s right, but I wouldn’t want to wait for the 4 days required by the Lido conversion

Yes, that’s right, but I wouldn’t want to wait for...

ok, as suggested, try an aggregator like 1inch or bebop. https://help.lido.fi/en/collections/4031159-fast-swaps-using-defi-aggregators

🄽🄸🄲🄾🄻🄿🄻🅄🅂- Автор вопроса
satbalwyn C
ok, as suggested, try an aggregator like 1inch or ...

Yes it was what I thought... but I think maybe it costs me less to transfer to a cex that has stETH, like ByBit. I was wondering this

Yes it was what I thought... but I think maybe it ...

yes, it could be. Several factors you have to consider like network fees and swap rate.

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