209 похожих чатов

I dont know where to write anymore. I staked ont

through GUARDA. I decided then to unstake, waited the needed epoch and then the button redeem appeared. The problem is that its been more than a week that i have the funds locked there... the customer service aknoledge that the problem is on their end but the "tech team" still working on the issue... did you ever encountered this problem? Any solution?

18 ответов

8 просмотров

People have had problems before and the Guarda team have solved it. If you don’t get a reply soon, please do tell us again and I’ll see if I can reach out.

Lorenzo-Bertello Автор вопроса
Lorenzo-Bertello Автор вопроса
Geoff Richards
People have had problems before and the Guarda tea...

Hi! Now its 2 weeks that i cant claim my ont. "Tech team" still working on the issues but its getting embarassing my funds are stucked and they are not doing anything

Lorenzo-Bertello Автор вопроса
Lorenzo Bertello
Is it possible for you to reach out them?

I dont think the Admin here can help with that.

Lorenzo-Bertello Автор вопроса
Lorenzo Bertello
Is it possible for you to reach out them?

Let me see what I can do. It is in their hands though, but I’ll ask.

Lorenzo-Bertello Автор вопроса
Lorenzo-Bertello Автор вопроса
Lorenzo Bertello

Staking takes 2-4 weeks to unlock

Lorenzo-Bertello Автор вопроса
Staking takes 2-4 weeks to unlock

I know...I already waited much more than that...

Lorenzo-Bertello Автор вопроса
Lorenzo-Bertello Автор вопроса
Lorenzo Bertello
Hi! Now its 2 weeks that i cant claim my ont. "Tec...

Hi is no more than a month. Guarda Team is replying only "tech team looking into it" is there here someone that can help me?

Lorenzo-Bertello Автор вопроса
🅢ⓐ🅢ⓔⓝ 🅓ⓘ ⓢⓗ
Let's check with the team for the progress on this...

That would be a real help. I hope someone from here is in contact with GUARDA

Lorenzo-Bertello Автор вопроса

If some admin here can help me i would be eternally grateful

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