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If I hold ocean from 2 years ago, what do

I need to do and when?

11 ответов

7 просмотров

If you have held your Ocean tokens in a wallet since 2 years ago, you don't need to do anything. The Ocean tokens were automatically transferred to the new contract during the migration several years ago, so your tokens are already on the new contract [1]. Generated using AwesomeQA AI. Please rate this answer.

For now Just relax)

There will be a mechanism to swap from ocean to asi

This blogpost answers all questions) https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-protocol-is-joining-the-superintelligence-alliance-767c82693f24

KreigDK | Never DM first🌊
For now Just relax)

I hold ocean in bsc chain. Will that be a problem?

Will there be fees involved?

I'm not sure but probably

I'm not sure but probably

there are always fees when moving tokens around

I hold ocean in bsc chain. Will that be a problem?

No, don’t worry it will be deployed on multiple chains

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