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So is everyone going to eventually have to reverify their

level 3 KYC?

7 ответов

12 просмотров

I assume you referring to AML (Anti Money Laundering)? If so, there are no "levels". Just like any platform that is KYC/AML compliant, like exchanges, the legislation has a range of factors & events which can trigger a AML check, this can happy at any time. The migration to the new smart chain has no bearing on this afaik. If you have questions or queries about your account or KYC, please speak to the support helpdesk, they are the only ones who can answer questions. Remember, if you don't wish to use the my.electroneum wallet which requires KYC/AML, you can always use another wallet like MetaMask, even with ledger for extra safety.

Mike-Frederick Автор вопроса
I assume you referring to AML (Anti Money Launderi...

There are users who are fully verified receiving notices to update their proof of funds on the cusp of exchange openings. We all know the process takes time which is why people are upset. I'm fully verified, level 3 KYC and hopefully we will receive notices in advance. Trust is challenging in this environment and not knowing that I could loose access to my funds at any point due to the team is a difficult concept to wrap my head around. Especially since I proactively met all their expectations.

Mike Frederick
There are users who are fully verified receiving n...

As i said, there is no "fully verified", AML can be triggered at any time just like any other platform following the regulations. Anyone who is worried they might struggle to proof their source of funds can work with the ETN Smart Chain direct by using other wallets 👍

Mike-Frederick Автор вопроса
Mike Frederick
Ledger here I come

Im using it with MetaMask, works great! Great knowing your Private key is so safe.

Mike-Frederick Автор вопроса
Im using it with MetaMask, works great! Great know...

Any good tutorials you'd recommend? I'll tackle it this weekend.

Mike Frederick
Any good tutorials you'd recommend? I'll tackle it...

Not really. This are the steps I used: https://community.electroneum.com/t/electroneum-smart-chain-migration-faq/35978/74?u=begamutex This video doesnt show ledger, but does show bridging ETN over and then setting up MetaMask.

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