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Bitfinex supports $USDt on Celo now! https://x.com/bitfinex/status/1773248160539750760?s=46&t=ukdAQ8DqVjqJCIwcvlplRw

10 ответов

8 просмотров

What is mean of this ? I guess... what it is..😒

wdyw.btc michale
What is mean of this ? I guess... what it is..😒

You can send usdt from Celo to Bitfinex and vice versa

The first of much more other exchanges!!!

You can send usdt from Celo to Bitfinex and vice v...

umm.. why good news? I don't know exactly..

Why not a good news? Wtf

just deposit and withdraw

0xKnight- Автор вопроса
wdyw.btc michale
umm.. why good news? I don't know exactly..

It's good news because there will be extensive liquidity for USDT on Celo because what you will need to do is just send usdt to bitfinex and can trade it to other pairs with 100s of millions in liquidity.

It's good news because there will be extensive liq...

Hi, how does it benefits celo since gas fee is using usdt?

0xKnight- Автор вопроса
Hi, how does it benefits celo since gas fee is usi...

Yes, it gives Celo users enough options and network activity among other things.

0xKnight- Автор вопроса
It's good news because there will be extensive liq...

What does this mean? You can hold millions in USDT on Celo network and can easily get liquidity for it by sending it to Bitfinex and trade it for other coins/tokens. This will also improve stable coins inflow (usdt) to Celo from Bitfinex.

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